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Umbi-umbian memiliki potensi yang cukup besar, namun pemanfaatannya
masih terbatas, salah satunya ubi jalar ungu. Maka perlu upaya untuk
mengembangkannya menjadi produk cookies. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui pengaruh subtitusi tepung garut terhadap karakteristik fisik, kimia,
dan organoleptik cookies ubi jalar ungu. Penelitian ini menggunakan faktorial
dengan dasar Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan perlakuan perbandingan
tepung ubi jalar ungu dengan tepung garut 20%:80%, 40%:60%, 60%:40%,
80%:20%, dan kontrol menggunakan tepung terigu 100%. Hasil penelitian
karakteristik warna menunjukkan warna L* dengan nilai 12,18, a* dengan nilai -
0,31, dan nilai b* 15,88. Sedangkan pada tekstur diperoleh nilai 1,5 mm/g/dt.
Hasil dari penelitian kadar air berkisar 2,81%-4,55%. Hasil analisis kadar abu
berkisar 1,79%-2,2%. Hasil analisis kadar serat kasar berkisar 1,92%-2,89%.
Hasil analisis kadar lemak berkisar 36,07%-36,69%. Analisis organoleptik warna
diperoleh cookies ubi jalar ungu dengan nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan 80%:20%
yaitu 4, yang menunjukkan cookies berwarna ungu tua. Organoleptik rasa
diperoleh cookies ubi jalar ungu dengan nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan 80%:20%
dengan nilai 4, yaitu terasa ubi ungu. Organoleptik aroma diperoleh cookies ubi
jalar ungu dengan nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan 80%:20% dengan nilai 4, yaitu
beraroma ubi ungu. Organoleptik tekstur diperoleh cookies ubi jalar ungu dengan
nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan 80%:20% dengan nilai 4, yaitu betekstur keras.
Kata kunci: cookies, substitusi, tepung garut, ubi jalar ungu
Tubers have considerable potential, but their use is still limited, one of
which is purple sweet potato. Then it needs efforts to develop it into a cookie
product. This study aims to determine the effect of arrowroot flour substitution on
physical, chemical, and organoleptic characteristics of purple sweet potato
cookies. This research uses factorial based on a completely randomized design
(CRD), with a comparison of purple sweet potato flour with arrowroot flour 20%:
80%, 40%: 60%, 60%: 40%, 80%: 20%, and control using 100 flour %. The
results of the color characteristics show the color L * with a value of 12.18, a *
with a value of -0.31, and a value of b * 15.88. While in the texture obtained a
value of 1.5 mm / g / sec. The results of the study water content ranged from
2.81% -4.55%. The results of the analysis of ash content ranged from 1.79% -
2.2%. The results of the analysis of crude fiber content ranged from 1.92% -
2.89%. The results of the analysis of fat content ranged from 36.07% to 36.69%.
Organoleptic analysis of color obtained purple sweet potato cookies with the
highest value at 80%: 20% treatment that is 4, which shows dark purple cookies.
Organoleptic taste was obtained by purple sweet potato cookies with the highest
value at 80%: 20% treatment with a value of 4, namely tasted purple sweet potato.
The aroma organoleptic obtained purple sweet potato cookies with the highest
value in the treatment of 80%: 20% with a value of 4, namely scented purple
sweet potato. Organoleptic texture obtained by purple sweet potato cookies with
the highest value in the treatment of 80%: 20% with a value of 4, namely hard
Keywords: cookies, substitution, arrowroot flour, purple sweet potato
Item Type: | Thesis (Other) |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik dan Informatika > Teknologi Pangan |
Depositing User: | Perpus Pusat Upgris |
Date Deposited: | 05 Nov 2024 03:25 |
Last Modified: | 05 Nov 2024 03:25 |
URI: | |